Plan Your Special Moment at Sycamore Hill Gardens . . .

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Select Your Perfect Venue
Welcome to Sycamore Hill Gardens’s Surround Yourself in Beauty Ceremonies. We specialize in small, intimate self-catered celebrations. We provide the site; you and your family and friends do the rest. Your wedding, your way!
What We Provide
- Your choice between a multitude of beautiful venues for your ceremony
- Room for up to 50 guests
- Refurbished 1830s Post & Beam Barn
- Wedding Day On-site Private Parking for cars or busses
- Electrical outlets at some locations on the property
- Private and exclusive access to the entire 35 acre garden
- Family & Friend Visit
- 12 Hour Wedding Day Access for Setup & Rehearsal (8am – 4pm)
- Next Day Morning Access for Take Down (8am – 10am)
- Trash removal
What We Do Not Provide
- Parking for limousines
- Food or beverages
- Music
- An officiator
- Indoor bathrooms
- Changing facilities